Apply for a mobile food vendor operational permit

Apply for a mobile food vendor operational permit in person at Austin Public Health’s Environmental Health Services Division office.

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This service is a part of:
  1. Mobile food vendor operational permits are processed in person Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:45 am to 11 am. Please bring your completed application and supplemental paperwork to the Environmental Health Services Division office, and prepare to pay applicable permitting fees. The walk-in location is accessible by car or bus. If you drive, park only in spaces marked “visitor”.

    Environmental Health Services Division

    1520 Rutherford Lane, East entranceBuilding 1, Austin, Texas 78754

  2. Sign in at the security desk and present a current government-issued photo ID with a United States address, such as a driver license, passport, or Mexican Consular identification card. Ask the security guard for help finding the mobile vending permit review station of the Environmental Health Services Division office, which is on the second floor.

  3. Go to the mobile vending permit review station. Write your name and the time you arrived on the sign-in sheet. Wait for your name to be called.

  4. An environmental health officer will call your name and review your application with you.

  5. If your application is approved, an environmental health officer will schedule an appointment for the mobile food vending unit’s inspection. Wait in the main lobby for the cashier to call your name so you can pay the permitting fees. The cashier will also give you the appointment card with the date and time you will need to bring your mobile food vending unit to 1520 Rutherford Lane for inspection.

  6. If your application is denied, the officer will explain the reasons and next steps.

Know before you go

Protecting public health is a high priority for the City of Austin, so these requirements are very specific. A lot of applicants have questions about the steps. Call (512) 978-3000 to ask questions and get help with your paperwork ahead of time.

Arrive early to save time waiting in the lobby. Applicants’ permits are reviewed in order of arrival. Review the mobile food vendor permit pre-application checklist and complete your application to save time during the review process.


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