Apply for your 2nd community garden check-in

Once you've gathered letters of support and drafted documents for your garden, send that to the community gardens coordinator and have an on-site meeting.

This service is a part of:
This service is a part of:
  1. Gather the following documents:

    • Memorandum of Understanding from a nonprofit
    • Letters of support from the community
    • Garden rules
    • Membership agreement
    • Timeline
    • Budget and fundraising plan for the first year

    Please read the pages on letters of support and garden documentation for details.

  2. Submit these documents to the community gardens coordinator.

  3. Approximately two weeks after your submission, be ready to attend an meeting at the garden site between:

    • The garden's coordinating committee
    • The community gardens coordinator
    • Other city representatives, such as a Park Forestry representative
    • Representatives from other organizations (optional)

    We will discuss:

    • Your application packet, which includes the application you submitted at the 1st check-in, plus the new documents listed above
    • Early thoughts on garden design
    • Next steps

Contact information


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