City strategies for climate change resilience and adaptation

The City of Austin has studied the impacts of climate change on City operations and assets and put plans in place to address them.

Vulnerability assessments and reports

In 2013, City Council passed a resolution to identify the potential environmental, economic, and social impacts to City operations and assets resulting from climate change. As part of this effort, ATMOS Research, led by Dr. Katherine Hayhoe from Texas Tech University, developed climate change projections through 2100 for Austin (PDF, 669 KB). The final report to Council, Toward A Climate Resilient Austin (PDF, 1.2 MB), provides details from this analysis, as well as recommendations for future planning efforts to increase resilience.

The Office of Sustainability also worked closely with CAMPO and other state, regional, and local entities to produce The Central Texas Extreme Weather and Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment of Regional Transportation Infrastructure (PDF, 8.8 MB). The infrastructure that was evaluated included roadways, bridges, and rail. The assessment considered flooding, drought, extreme heat, wildfire, and extreme cold.

Climate resilience action plan

Based on that study, we developed a Climate Resilience Action Plan for City Assets and Operations (PDF, 3.5 MB). The plan comprises four key strategies to increase resilience:

  • Strengthen emergency response
  • Expand staff safety plans
  • Evaluate and upgrade existing facilities and infrastructure
  • Future-proof new facilities and infrastructure

Planning for resilience and adaptation

The City of Austin has plans in place to increase climate resilience:

Programs that support resilience and adaptation

The City of Austin offers programs that contribute to the city’s resilience:

Contact information

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