Smoking in public places

Smoking is not allowed in most public spaces and workplaces in Austin.

Tobacco kills more people than any other preventable cause in Travis County. The Smoking in Public Places ordinance aims to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco use and secondhand smoke.

The ordinance prohibits smoking in workplaces and most public spaces, including:

  • City parks
  • Libraries
  • Buses
  • Restaurants and bars
  • Within 15 feet of any entrance

The ban does not apply to:

  • Homes
  • Retail locations that make at least 95% of their profit from tobacco sales
  • Hotel and motel rooms designated as smoking rooms
  • Pre-approved, temporary designated smoking areas in city parks during special events, among others

Read the full ordinance to learn more, or report a violation.

Go tobacco-free

Download a smoke-free establishment sign to use in your workplace, business, or home.

Live Tobacco-Free Austin provides educational resources for individuals, workplaces, and residential communities.

Contact information

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