Get a criminal record expunged

If you meet certain criteria you may be eligible to have records of an arrest or citation removed from your criminal history. The Austin Municipal Court can only expunge Class C (fine-only) misdemeanors from Travis County.

  1. Determine eligibility.

    You may be entitled to have the records and files relating to your case expunged if either of the following is true:

    • You were declared not guilty and/or acquitted after a trial.
    • Your case was dismissed over 180 days prior.

    If you were a juvenile or a minor at the time of the offense, please see the page for getting non-adult criminal records expunged.

  2. Determine which law enforcement agencies have records or files subject to expunction. The form contains a list of local agencies, but there may be others. You must provide the agency’s name and the complete mailing address.

  3. Fill out the petition for expunction of criminal records

    You may only include one arrest event per expunction petition. Make sure that you include:

    • All of your personal information and any aliases that you are aware of
    • All information about your arrest (may be a non-custodial arrest a.k.a “a ticket”) such as:
      • Date of arrest
      • Arresting agency
      • Home address at time of arrest
      • Location of arrest
    • All information about the charges arising from the arrest, including:
      • The Court involved
      • Case number
      • Disposition of the charge(s)
      • A copy of the final disposition showing the dismissal or acquittal

  4. Submit the petition.

  5. Pay the $100 fee.

    There is no expunction filing fee if you file within 30 days of a finding of Not Guilty.

  6. Upon receipt of payment, a hearing will be scheduled for you. At the hearing, the judge will rule on the expunction petition. You may attend the hearing, but it is not required.

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